infoJersey Services

infoJersey provides a variety of online services provided by the American Jersey Cattle Association to help manager and identify Jersey Cattle.

BullsEye provides an easy and effective method to search, sort and filter Jersey Bulls. This free tool can assist in your bull selections from various AI marketing organizations. Find the right bulls for your herd using BullsEye.
View BullsEye >
Inbreeding Calculator
Use the free Inbreeding Calculator to find the inbreeding percentage of an animal. Enter the American Jersey Cattle Association Registration Id for a single animal or determine the inbreeding of two animals.
View Inbreeding Calculator >
Registration *
Registrer your Jersey Cattle with the American Jersey Cattle Association using the online registration form. The registration process is fast, secure and easy.
Transfer *
Transfer ownership of your Jersey Cattle. Using the simple and secure online form, provide information such as the seller, buyer and sale date.
Performance Reports *
Order performance reports online in an instant. Performance reports available online include 3 or 5 Generation Official Performance Pedigree, Performance and Progeny and Reorder Registration Certificates.
Animal Family Tree *
View a 5 ancestory history of a recorded Jersey Cattle in an easy to use interactive view.
Genomics *
Order genomic test kits and view genomic reports based upon your ownership.
JerseyTags *
Shop, customize and order visual identification tags and buttons with JerseyTags.
Animal Search *
Search for Jersey Cattle recorded by the American Jersey Cattle Association and view detailed performance and progeny information.
HerdView *
HerdView provides an advanced reporting tool for your herd animals. HerdView incompases the full identification of an animal including genomic and parentage information. HerdView is only available to customers subscribed to our REAP or TPE performance programs.
JerseyMate *
Use our mating program to assist you in your Jersey Cattle mating to fit your needs. JerseyMate provides you with mating suggestions on a variety of options to suit your needs. JerseyMate is available to customers subscribed to our REAP or TPE performance programs.
Recorded Animals *
Sort, filter and display information for Jersey Cattle in your ownership.
Manage Your Account *
Manage your account information, view & print your statements, view current activity on your account, see automatic account balance information and more in one place.
* Requires infoJersey Sign In