Results are based upon the
animal information you entered (parentage, sex of offspring) and
AJCA Rules for Registration as of the date of this report.
Recorded Status
UR (Unregistered): The animal does not meet the registration requirements of AJCA. Minimum requirements for males are Generation Count 5
or greater or Herd Register (HR) for all born after January 1, 2023. The bull must also have a BBR of 100. Females with two unknown parents will be recorded as a UR, unless genotyped.
- Generation Count: Generation Count indicates the number of unbroken generations of an animal’s known and AJCA-recorded ancestors from 1 through 6.
- Herd Register: Animals having seven (7) or more unbroken generations of recorded Jersey ancestors in their pedigrees have Herd Register status.
Jersey Cross (JX) Prefix
The Jersey Cross (JX) prefix is assigned to animals that have one or more ancestors of another breed within six (6) generations.
Example Name
An example name is displayed for the information you entered (parentage, sex of offspring) to illustrate the structure of AJCA registration names.
Name Prefix: The UR prefix is used when AJCA registration requirements are not met. The JX prefix is used when the animal has one or more ancestors from another breed within six (6) generations.
Animal Name: For illustration purposes only. Animal names are selected by the animal's First Owner when applying for AJCA registration.
Name Suffix: One or more suffixes will be added to the name when required by AJCA Rules for Registration, as follows: Generation Count, from 1 to 6 in brackets (dropped after 7); polled status, P or PP; and/or embryo transfer code, ET, ETN or ETS. The AJCA also uses a suffix for declared carriers of the genetic abnormalities Limber Legs (LL) and Rectovaginal Constriction (RVC).
Please review
AJCA Pedigree Recording and Registry Status and
Information Presented on AJCA Performance Pedigrees for more information.